On Nov 10, 2011 3:22 PM, "Niels Dettenbach" <nd@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 9. November 2011, 12:19:17 schrieb Miles Fidelman:
> > Last time I looked, OpenSuse did a very good job of integrating Xen.
> Would add Gentoo Linux here too - especially, but not only for guys who prefer
> to work with sources however.
> Gentoo offers SuSe's patched kernel tree (2.6.38) and 3.0/3.2 (most are using
> SuSes til now afaik) and xen from 3.4 to 4.1.2.
> By overlay "xen" even current developement state of xen is available.
As someone who's been migrating the company's back-ends to Gentoo, I'm dying to +1 your post.
Unfortunately, I still haven't got the time to actually install Xen over Gentoo, and XenServer "Just Works™", so I'll just stand on the sidelines for now :-)
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