Re: [Xen-users] CentOS 6.0 domU kernel: how to setup?
On 23 October 2011 16:20, Fajar A. Nugraha <list@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If your goal is to have a "supported" centos installation, then with
> regards to xen it's as optimized as you'll ever get.
> That being said, in the past pv_ops kernel performs not as well
> xenified kernel, not to mention some missing features (e.g. memory/cpu
> hotplug). There's also many improvement in latest vanilla kernel
> compared to 2.6.32 (which is what rhel/centos is based on). So if
> you/re REALLY concerned about optimizing or a particular feature, then
> you might want to compile your own kernel based on latest vanilla
> linux 3.x (based on pv_ops) or suse's kernel (which is the most
> recent xenified kernel available), then compare the results.
Thanks a lot for the information.
> Generally I'd say don't bother though, just stick with the bundled kernel.
Yes, you are right and this is what I will do from now.
Thank you,
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