Re: [Xen-users] small cluster storage configuration?
Bart Coninckx wrote:
On 10/10/11 15:18, Miles Fidelman wrote:
James Harper wrote:
Bart Coninckx wrote:
DRBD does not do 4 nodes. If you split in two clusters you cannot
cross migrate, unless you set up the storage on each node in some
way, bu thow are you going to replicate?
Well, yes, ... that's sort of why I'm asking the question :-)
The question implies that I don't see a possibility for this.
That's why I'm trying to avoid using DRBD - looking for an alternative
that will
replicate data across all four nodes, and allow for continued operation
if one
(or possibly two) node(s) fail. It looks like GlusterFS, VastSky, and
Sheepdog would
do this but development on VastSky seems to have stalled, and Sheepdog
is KVM-only.
Alternate might be to mount everything via iSCSI or AoE, run md Raid10
across the mess
of drives, or some such.
Which leads to two follow-up questions:
1. Can I assume that you're both suggesting a 4-node storage cluster,
and a 4-node VM cluster - running on the same 4 computers? If so, that's
sort of what I'm aiming for.
No, we're suggesting two 2-node clusters, one for storage, one for
Ok... that's what I'm trying to avoid - mostly because that would make
half my drives unavailable.
2. What software are you running for your storage cluster?
I'm running IET. Next project I would try AoE though.
Running anything on top of that in the way of a cluster file system?
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In<fnord> practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra
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