Re: [Xen-users] Networking in Scientific Linux 6 and Xen bridges
scientific linux 6 doesn't have the Xen dom0 kernel in it so if
you want scientific linux 6 as the VM host you are out of luck.
SL6 works fine as a domU though.
Best to use libvirt (virsh net-create) to create the bridges
rather than the rather outdated xen bridge tools.
On Sun, 9 Oct 2011, Larry Ing wrote:
I am wanting to make a VM that will be a firewall. This VM will be
connected to my bridge named "xenbr0." I then want to make a second
bridge called "xenbr1" which is connected to the firewall VM. I then
want to have my other VMs connected to xenbr1. How would I do this
within Scientific Linux 6 or what is a way that will give me a
equivalent result.
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Steven C. Timm, Ph.D (630) 840-8525
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Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Group Leader.
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