[Xen-users] Re: XCP iscsi storage pool problem
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Mike Galvez <late2werk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have two identical host machines running XCP 1.1 beta. I also have an 8TB iscsi storage SAN that I'm using as pooled storage. I had created five VMs on one the hosts using the iscsi unit as storage. I created a pool, then added the second host machine. The second host was added to
the pool, but the pdb connections to the NFS ISO Repository and the iscsi storage were broken on host #2. I was able to replug the iscsi pdb, but now none of the VMs can start because many of the VBDs have lost their VDI uuids.
[root@vhost1 ~]# xe vbd-list vm-uuid=2543464c-24fe-3b2d-0281-bb978cfe647b uuid ( RO) : de8fcc63-b72d-7e07-4602-2f6c4af19305 vm-uuid ( RO): 2543464c-24fe-3b2d-0281-bb978cfe647b
vm-name-label ( RO): imagex vdi-uuid ( RO): 7dd13d7a-0608-40ec-8637-34849c7adddb empty ( RO): false device ( RO): hdc
uuid ( RO) : a701764a-bc8d-1545-4957-d01898e6cad8 vm-uuid ( RO): 2543464c-24fe-3b2d-0281-bb978cfe647b vm-name-label ( RO): imagex vdi-uuid ( RO): <not in database>
empty ( RO): true device ( RO): hdd
Any helpful advise on reacquainting the VMs with their VDIs is appreciated.
Thanks -Mike
I was able to get one of my VMs back by creating a new vbd and reconnecting its vdi, but that was because I recognized the size of disk. I have several other VDIs that I
need to reattach with a VM, but the sizes are the same and there's no other info besides uuid. Is there a way to scan the contents of a vdi? If I could do that, I'd be able to clean this up.
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