babu karthik wrote:
hi have installed xcp in the two system and to do migration one
system i made as server and other client , nfs storage i have
created in the server and through the client i have mounted the
storage and i created the storage repository through the xencenter
, when i try view the common storage, i have in one sytem is
connected where as in the other system its showing me unplugged ,
when i try to give the repair option its showing that problem in
mount ........., i can able to mount it
and more over ,if want to create new vm i could not able to access
the common storage and from the two system i have installed xcp, it
state me that , the storage cannot be viewed ......
can u please help me sir
Yes I can help you, but not directly with the problem.
Even though you don't appear to be a native English speaker, you
could try some basics - eg some capitalisation would make your posts
easier to read.
But the main problem is you give so little information. Your problem
description reads as "I did something rather vague and it doesn't
work". There just isn't enough to go on.
I'd suggest you read this page :
But on your specific query, the things that do come to mind are :
1) Do you have basic connectivity ? Ie, from the guest, can you ping
the server and get a reply ?
2) Are there any firewalls or iptables rules in place ?
1) is the first one to tackle - if there isn't IP connectivity then
nothing is going to work.
For 2), try completely clearing the firewall and see if that helps. I
do know that NFS isn't a one step thing to enable in a firewall - you
have to lock-down the ports it uses as it now defaults to using
random ports and that would mean just opening everything up.
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