Re: [Xen-users] Bad network performances
Do you have a MAC or IP conflict? Do "ifconfig -a" on all affected VMs. Check
if there are any duplications.
Lorenzo Milesi <lorenzo.milesi@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The first place I'd look would be the switch. Some switches are set so
>> that if there's arp change on a port, it would re-learn the topology
>> to prevent loop, and possibly causing all traffic to stop being
>> forwarded temporarily.
>I tried changing the switch, but sadly this didn't solve the issue.
>I'm still not totally sure it's Xen related. Another VM, the firewall, running
>on the same interface where I have problems, doesn't seem to suffer the same,
>on this subnet. Instead, I'm having issues on another interface, the one
>facing the router, because I get OpenVPN reset every minute.
>Both VMs have very low cpu and network load according to stats, so I'd exclude
>performance problems.
>Any advice is welcome!
>Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.milesi@xxxxxxxxxx
>YetOpen S.r.l. - http://www.yetopen.it/
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