AW: [Xen-users] IPv6 with Bridge Modus
Sorry for my query!
This machine is a dedicated server of my ISP. I don't have a fix mac for
the IPv6 address, only for IPv4. Is your solution ok for my problem?
> Can i use a IPv6 adress at XEN 4.0.1 of Debain 6?
Should be possible. Bridge mode passes ethernet packets, and doesn't really
care what's on top of it.
> In my cfg I use this setting:
> vif = [ 'ip= 2a01:4f8:130:9301::3' ]
dump "ip" settings. It's useless in most setup anyway. Instead, you should
explicitly specify mac (needed for lots of things, including persistent
DHCP), and optionally bridge (to make it clear, in case you have multiple
bridge) and vifname (to make it easier to identify from dom0). Something
vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:A8:31:24, bridge=eth0, vifname=ubuntu-e0' ]
Then specify ipv6 address inside domU using usual OS methods
(/etc/network/interfaces on Debian/Ubuntu)
Most modern OS have IPv6 enabled by default, using link-local address.
So if (for example) your dom0 bridge is using fe80::21e:bff:fe5e:9f58, and
your domU only has one interface (eth0), you can test IPv6 conectivity from
domU to dom0 using something like
ping6 -I eth0 fe80::21e:bff:fe5e:9f58
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