On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 05:25:14PM +0200, Enrico Valsecchi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have installed with success a domU Debian 6.0 fully virtualized.
> Now, I want attach a pvscsi, but debian kernel ( appeat
> that does not have a pvscsi frontend drivers.
> Note that my dom0 have a pvscsi backend drivers.
> I have read this page:
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/DebianHvmPvDriver?highlight=%28debian%29|%28driver%29|%28pv%29
> but appear that wor only with 2.6.18 kernel....
> Now, How I can build pvscsi frontend drivers for debian kernel 2.6.32-5?
There's a port of the xenlinux pvscsi drivers to pvops 2.6.32 here:
Note that is has *only* been compiled-tested with pvops 2.6.32!
It would be nice if you could test it, and report how (if) it works for you..
-- Pasi
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