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[Xen-users] XCP vs Xen on CentOS and Dell OpenManage

To: xen-users <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-users] XCP vs Xen on CentOS and Dell OpenManage
From: Eduardo Bragatto <eduardo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:21:15 -0300
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I just tried out XCP and I was surprised to see it looks pretty much like Xen from Citrix. Based on the RPM packages installed, I assume XCP is based on RHEL5.
With that in mind, I have a few questions that I did not find an  
answer on the web... Perhaps I didn't look in the right places, so if  
you know about any good documentations that I should read please share  
it :)
1) What is the main difference between "xm" and "xe", and why does XCP  
comes with "xe" while the Xen Hypervisor comes with "xm"?
2) I noticed "xe" has a lot of features, for example: "snapshots".  
Does it means "xe" goes beyond simply managing Xen and also acts as a  
frontend for LVM?
3) Did anyone managed to install Dell's OpenManage on XCP -- Dell has  
RPM packages for RHEL5 and a yum repository, so I'm assuming it should  
work, but I would like to hear from someone who was at least tried to  
get it installed.
Best regards,
Eduardo Bragatto

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