On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:26 AM, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> here is my /etc/xen/ubuntu.vm
> ===============================================
> memory = "512"
> vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:BD:96:42, bridge=xenbr0, vifname=u-e0' ]
Back to the basics. Xen has two basic networking methods, the default
being bridge. You may have a bridge called "eth0" or "eth1" (depending
on what interface you currently use) created by Xen during its startup
phase (the original eth0 and eth1 is renamed to peth0 and peth1). If
you have virt-manager installed then you should already have a bridge
called virbr0.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about just remove the
"bridge=xenbr0," section.
> dhcp ="off"
> ip=""
> netmask=""
> gateway=""
> hostname="vm01.ubuntu"
Those entries will be useless by default in bridge setup. DomU will be
on the same network as dom0, and you need to setup networking from
inside domU (e.g. setup DHCP or static IP)
> ===============================================
> Now when I do
> xm create -c /etc/xen/ubuntu.vm
> Two things
> 1) Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working.
Cause you're not listening. I specifically said
Note the "bridge" parameter. It might be eth0, xenbr0, or some other
bridge that you create manually (try runnning "brctl show").
Did you run "brctl show"? What is your bridge name?
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