Re: [Xen-users] running "service --status-all" (xend status check) shuts
The server is running SUSE 11.1, yes am guilty of running a bundled
distribution of xen. I will examine /etc/init.d/xend and the bridge
This problem is very probably related to the bridge being
circumvented: on this server the bridge was taken down temporarily. If
the bridge is up and configured properly getting xend's status causes
no noticeable problems.
Thank you for your help and insight.
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 8:13 PM, Fajar A. Nugraha <list@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:33 PM, jesse <jesse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Running "service --status-all" (checking the status of all services)
>> eventually gets to checking on xend, when it does, it shuts down eth1.
>> I was not expecting this behavior, I thought status would just tell me
>> if its running, not do anything else.
>> Details below if anyone is interested. You can see me press control c
>> in surprise as I begin to comprehend that my remote ssh is about to be
>> dropped with eth1.
> What distro did you use? Do you use bundled Xen? Most likely it's init
> scripts bug, or possibly xen's network-bridge script bug.
> I create my own bridge using OS config files
> (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br* on RHEL). Running the
> command shows something like this
> xend is running
> Checking for xendomains: 2008ent-t oi rhel5-build rhel6-tes[ OK ][running]
> You might want to try downloading rpm package from Centos5.5 and just
> use its init script (/etc/init.d/xend*)
> --
> Fajar
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