Re: [Xen-users] Save and restore DomU (hvm) on Dom0 restart. CentOS 5.5
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Alexander Zherdev <azherdev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What are the settings that I must specify to have DomU be saved and then
> automatically started on reboot of the physical server?
> In my /etc/sysconfi/xendomains it points to a save folder (which does not
> exist)
> My configuration files are located at /vm/cfg/vm-xxxx/vm-xxxx.xen
> In my config file I have:
> on_poweroff = 'destroy'
> on_reboot = 'restart'
> on_crash = 'restart'
> on_xend_stop = 'suspend'
> on_xend_start = 'start'
> But, after calling "shutdown -r now", the DomUs are turned off and do not
> start.
> My DomU's are Windows 2003 Servers running in HVM virtualization.
You need pv drivers for the shutdown to work properly. So, for example
you could use the gplpv drivers for windows.
For a domain to be started at boot, there needs to be a symlink to its
config file in /etc/xen/auto
Hope that helps.
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