Re: [Xen-users] Xen Netloop module missing
Look at documentation (README, etc) found in xen source tarball. I
think something like
make linux-2.6-xen0-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig
is necessary for 2.6.18 kernel.
Note that there are other kernels available for dom0:
and with newer (2.6.3x) kernels the process is similar with the usual
kernel compile process: make menuconfig, make, and so on. You just
need to enable xen-related options during menuconfig process.
I did this and the config file has netloop built in
(CONFIG_XEN_NETDEV_LOOPBACK=y) but I cannot find the netloop.ko file in
Is there anyway otherway I can verify that this option is indeed being
taken into account?
Also, which Xen version are you using? Are you using the default
network-bridge or create your own bridges?
netloop is primarily needed for older versions of Xen where the
default bridged setup is :
- create virtual network device pairs for each dom0 interface (vif0.x
and vethx) using netloop module
- rename dom0 interfaces (eth0 -> peth0, veth0 -> eth0)
- create a bridge (xenbr0) with peth0 and vif0.0 as its members.
Newer bridge setup use "eth0" as bridge name, and doesn't need netloop
It has nothing to do whatsoever with VM migration.
In short, if in your current setup your domU is able to access outside
network, most likely you don't need netloop support.
I am using Xen-3.1.3 and I was creating my own bridges. In particular, I was
using the following set of commands to set up the bridges in the original
version of xen I had installed (from yum repos in CentOS).
If you use Centos, why would you need Xen 3.1.3, and why would you
need to compile your own kernel?
RHEL/Centos 5.5 comes with Xen 3.1.2+, and has a functional kernel-xen
by default.
I wanted to install Xen from source code because of changes that I need
to do to it. The repo version of Xen for CentOS works quite well. I do
have Xen already installed from repos and trying to install another one
from source code.
vconfig add peth2 513
brctl addbr breth2.513
brctl setfd breth2.513 0
ip link set dev breth2.513 arp off multicast off up
brctl addif breth2.513 peth2.513
ip link set dev peth2.513 up
ip link set dev vif0.4 arp off multicast off
brctl addif breth2.513 vif0.4
ip link set dev vif0.4 up
ip link set dev veth4 name eth2.513 mtu 1400
ip link set dev eth2.513 address `cat /sys/class/net/eth2/address`
ifconfig eth2.513 $ip netmask up
You're mixing xen's default bridge script (which creates peth and
vif0.x, and need netloop support) with your own setup. Don't do that.
Just do everything using OS config files. For example, in my setup (I
use eth4 and vlan129. Adjust interface names, vlans, MAC, and IP with
your setup)
- comment-out network-script line on /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
- some config files:
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth4
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth4.129
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br129
- assign domU to use br129 (or whatever bridge you use), with
something like this on your domU config file
vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:9A:89:3D, bridge=br129, vifname=myDomU-eth0' ]
Note that in this kind of setup you don't need netloop support.
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