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RE: [Xen-users] Xen 3.4.2 networking help

Jonathan Tripathy wrote:

If you are refering to the OUTPUT chain of the Dom0 itself, surely you wouldn't use physdev at all? Wouldn't you just use "iptables -A OUTPUT -o ethx ...."?
Dunno about iptables specifics - I only use Shorewall and I know it's 
a limitation. But isn't "-o ethx" a device match ?
If there was a way around the limitation, I'm sure Tom Eastep would 
have figured it out.
In any case, I don't block by interface on the Dom0's OUTPUT chain. No real need to when the INPUT chain is protected with "iptables -A INPUT -i ..." I only ever use physdev on the FORWARD chain, which works for both incoming and outgoing traffic.
Well for me input restrictions are sufficient on Dom0 since no-one 
else is running stuff on Dom0. On my DomUs I also block outbound by 
default so that "less security minded" users have less scope to cause 
problems and/or there is less scope if a machine gets compromised.
Simon Hobson

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