Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] xenwebmanager testers are needed
El día 21 de septiembre de 2010 11:55, Alberto González Rodríguez
<alberto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
> strange error, could you edit cherry.conf and replace with
> your ip? maybe there is some conflict on port 8080
> 2010/9/21 Boris Quiroz <bquiroz.work@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> El día 21 de septiembre de 2010 11:32, Alberto González Rodríguez
>> <alberto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
>>> do you have something listening to port 8080?
>>> netstat -lnp|grep 8080
>>> 2010/9/21 Boris Quiroz <bquiroz.work@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> El día 21 de septiembre de 2010 10:12, Boris Quiroz
>>>> <bquiroz.work@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:
>>>>> El día 21 de septiembre de 2010 04:35, Alberto González Rodríguez
>>>>> <alberto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I want request to community collaboration to test xenwebmanager before
>>>>>> release a beta version.
>>>>>> Idea is found bugs and features not working to fix before beta version.
>>>>>> For test this version you only need download from:
>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/xenwebmanager/files/xenwebmanager_rev69_full.tar.gz/download
>>>>>> uncompress:
>>>>>> tar xvfz xenwebmanager_rev69_full.tar.gz
>>>>>> and run:
>>>>>> cd xenwebmanager
>>>>>> python frontend.py
>>>>>> you need open ports 8080 to 8091
>>>>>> On centos (if you want install on dom0) you need edit
>>>>>> /etc/sysconfig/iptables and add:
>>>>>> -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport
>>>>>> 8080:8091 -j ACCEPT
>>>>>> then restart iptables:
>>>>>> /etc/init.d/iptables restart
>>>>>> Then you only needs connect to http://ip:8080 and use xenwebmanager.
>>>>>> You have a demo here: http://www.xensemaking.com/xenwebmanager/xwm.html
>>>>>> xenwebmanager works with python 2.4+ (xcp dom0 uses python 2.4)
>>>>>> You have more information here: http://www.xensemaking.com/xenwebmanager/
>>>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>>>> Alberto González (www.xensemaking.com)
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>>>>> Testing...
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In [1] you'll find the error log.
>>>> As you can see there, looks like port 8080 is already used by another
>>>> application, but it isn't. I just commented the import md5 (line 2) in
>>>> config.py file and it's working, without md5 I guess.
>>>> If I found something else, I'll reply this thread.
>>>> Cheers.
>>>> 1. https://xen.privatepaste.com/539df51a72
>> Before running python frontend.py, no. Nothing is running.
Just replaced the for my local ip 192.168.x.x (just for
testing), then uncommented the config.py and everything works fine.
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