Re: [Xen-users] DomU stuck in boot
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Thomas Graves <tgraves@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running xen-3.3.1 with rhel5.3 dom0.
> I have a rhel5.3 domU that is stuck in the boot process. It seems it is
> trying to bring up the network. We see this problem only occassionally.
So it's not login console not displayed, only something that happens
> It has been stuck for a few days now. I did a dump-core on it and it seems
> to be doing network start -> ifup-eth ifcfg-eth0 boot -> ip link set dev
> eth0 up -> hypercall. I'm somewhat assuming it made the hypercall but never
> got the event back but I'm not sure as I'm new to this. Does anyone have a
> good pointers on how exactly hypercalls work or any info on looking at
> event-channels? Any ideas why it might be stuck?
I never had this problem, but here's several things you might want to try:
- udate your OS. RHEL 5.5. is out already. At least update your kernel-xen rpm.
- update your Xen version. Xen 3.4.2 (the easy way is from Gitco) has
been quite stable for me. If you want to try latest version, you could
also test Xen 4.0
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