Re: [Xen-users] Xen on Debian Lenny quite unstable
Debian Lenny has quite shitty Xen package, and I have also found it to
be very unreliable. I moved from package Xen to source Xen, so I only
have minimal Debian Lenny installation with the packages needed to
compile Xen.
I would recommend that you download the latest Xen from xen.org and
compile it manually, or then use some better distribution which has a
working Xen (like redhat or centos). Downside using distributions
package Xen is that they are usually rather old versions.
- Valtteri Kiviniemi
Matej Zary kirjoitti:
Well, the Debian Lenny Xen implementation (with that particular Xen Dom0 kernel) is known
to be "not that stable" - depending on the setup, load, etc. So in case of
these problems, switching to something more proven like Redhat/CentOS shouldn't hurt. Or
build the Xen solution on top of Lenny with Xen and kernel from source (more work, but
for many it's worth the effort). Or just use XCP, XenServer.... :)
Matej Zary
From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ward Vandewege
Sent: 10 June 2010 21:49
To: Dirk H. Schulz
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Xen on Debian Lenny quite unstable
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 09:22:01PM +0200, Dirk H. Schulz wrote:
I have several servers running the Xen packages from Debian Lenny -
the cpu architectures are ranging from dual pentium III, dual xeons
from 4 years ago and current quad core xeons. All share a problem:
they frequently crash.
Funny, that. I have a bunch of those machines too - all 64 bit installs,
running on Opteron hardware, and no crashes. Been running those for a few
years now.
I'm guessing it's something specific you do :)
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