Re: [Xen-users] Update gplpv on wiki
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:00:25AM -0700, Fantu wrote:
> I see how gplpv documentation on wiki is old and not complete
> I use gplpv for over a year, the domU on server when i work is mainly with
> windows
> Here what i know for personal esperience if can help to update wiki:
> For windows xp domU 0.10.x and 0.11.x is recommended use xen 3.4.1 or later
> for all working, for older xen is recommended last 0.9.12
> For windows 7 i see good only last, for install without problem
> it need:
> - bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON
> - reboot
> - install gplpv
> - reboot
> Upgrade from 0.9.x to 0.10.x or 0.11.x:
> - Do always backup for security (for now with the 0.11.213 no problem
> encontered but with some previusly i had some problem, in some cases also
> domU damaged)
> - Start domU and execute 0.9 uninstall take from this:
> http://www.meadowcourt.org/downloads/gplpv_uninstall_bat.zip (with one more
> old i had problem, with this nothing)
> - Reboot and check if is all ok, if all ok install the new gplpv
> - Reboot and check if all is ok, check first to see cdrom, to save/restore
> and working of shutdown monitor before use for production, is had some
> problem on some 0.10.x not see immediately, if you do all the tests see
> immediately if there are problems
Yeah.. gplpv wiki needs some updating.
Do you have a Xen wiki account?
I might be able to do some updates aswell..
-- Pasi
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