Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] weight/cap VCPU-params ignores during migration
That's weird, I just did the same thing with a CentOS 5.5 VM on my cloud
and didn't see this.
On 5/21/2010 11:04 AM, George Shuklin wrote:
It simple. I create an VM with autostarting 'load generator' (simple endless
loop with little math on C).
I set VCPU-params:cap=10, and after start this VM really take about 10% of CPU
(I check it from xentop and xenmon.py).
I do live migration of this VM to other host and xentop on new host show about
100% of CPU usage by same VM.
Ignoring VCPU param changing on running VM may be feature. But ignoring it
after migrating is defenitivly a bug.
wBR, George.
21.05.10, 15:43, "Vern Burke"<vburke@xxxxxxxx>:
You can't change either memory or vCPUs on a running VM. The bug isn't that it
won't change, the bug is that it will allow you to try.
How do you know XCP won't honor the max vCPUs setting? All of the VMs in my
pool show the correct max and none are exceeding that after being migrated
substantially by my load balancer.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
-----Original Message-----
From: George Shuklin
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 15:17:42
Subject: [Xen-users] [XCP] weight/cap VCPU-params ignores during migration
Good day.
I found that XCP ignores VCPU-params (weight and cap) after VM live
migration, as well, as those parameters ignored if changed on running VM.
May I as someone with xcp cloud nearly check this bug? Thank you.
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