Re: [Xen-users] xen 4.0 compile problems
There are no default kernel modules compiled during the "make world" process.
That's exactly my problem.
However some xen modules are compiled
and copied over to /lib/modules/ during "make install"
Running "make modules_install" simply copies this modules
I did the following procedure 3 times with the same result.
(1x using gcc 4.1 and 2x using gcc 4.3 => lenny default)
1. Install debian lenny from scratch
2. Install dependencies as outlined in the Wiki
3. hg clone http://xenbits.xen.org/xen-4.0-testing.hg
4. make world
If the procedure is correct, anything else must be wrong
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: "Pasi Kärkkäinen"
Gesendet: 14.04.2010 14:07:26
An: Dieter Imann <dieter.imann@xxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [Xen-users] xen 4.0 compile problems
>On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 07:51:02AM +0200, Dieter Imann wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I tried to compile Xen 4.0 by following the howto on the Xen 4.0 Wiki.
>> The compilation process seems to finish successfully. But the newly
>> installed kernel cannot complete booting because of missing modules.
>> In fact I found out that all kernel modules execept some xen specific ones
>> are missing.
>> That is what I did:
>> 1. Install debian lenny from scratch
>> 2. Install dependencies as outlined in the Wiki
>> 3. hg clone http://xenbits.xen.org/xen-4.0-testing.hg
>> 4. make world
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>So do you have the modules in /lib/modules/<kernelversion> ?
>Try running: depmod -a <kernelversion>
>And after that re-generating the initramfs.
>-- Pasi
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