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[Xen-users] XCP, creating a metric and looking for input

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] XCP, creating a metric and looking for input
From: Vern Burke <vburke@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:56:24 -0400
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Greetings all:
I'm sitting here on a Saturday night (life in the fast lane) working on putting together good blended host and virtual machine metrics for the upcoming load balancer so I thought I'd ask for some input from the crowd :).
My experience is that, at least on my cloud, I'm far more likely to 
overload memory than CPU. In fact, as far as I can tell, I've never been 
able to even significantly load the CPUs on any of my (admittedly older) 
servers (2 are 2x Opteron, 2 are 2x dual core Opteron), even with a 
pretty hefty load of VMs running.
My question is, for those of you running as a real cloud (no funky 
specialized hardware passthroughs in the server, etc), have you ever 
been able to significantly load or overload your cpus before running out 
of memory? The reason for this question is that I'm establishing 
weighting for the relative importance of the components of the metric.


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