On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 01:11:01PM -0500, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> On Apr 08, Nick Couchman [Nick.Couchman@xxxxxxxxx] wrote:
> > I've just installed Xen 4 and am working to get VGA passthrough
> > configured. I seem to have that piece successfully configured, but,
> > unfortunately, have no keyboard and mouse support in my new VM. If I try
> > USB pass-through, I get the following error message in the
> > qemu-dm-<domain>.log file:
> I am getting ready to attempt this as well so please let us know if you
> figure it out whether anyone here has the answer or not.
> I did note with some concern that the current
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenDom0Kernels states the pv_ops kernel
> lacks usbback, but http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenDom0Kernels
> recently indicated vga passthrough was only available in the pv_ops kernel.
> The latter page was modified today or yesterday to no longer have that
> chart, though, and the version on
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenKernelFeatures doesn't say anything
> about vga passthrough.
> So I don't really know the real state, but that at least looked like you
> could have either hvm vga passthrough OR hvm usb passthrough.
usbback is only required for _pvusb_, not for the traditional qemu USB 1.1
VGApassthrough should work OK with pvops dom0 kernel.. it's mainly about Xen
doing correct things.
-- Pasi
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