[Xen-users] RE: XCP VM restart strangeness
Hi Vern,
Those are very odd symptoms! It's good that you've got a workaround.
If this happens again, grab a 'bugtool' on the master host when it's in this
xen-bugtool --silent --yestoall
If you send me the output then I'll do some digging to see if I can figure out
what happened.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SwiftWater Telecom Customer Service
> [mailto:service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 09 March 2010 20:19
> To: Dave Scott; xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: XCP VM restart strangeness
> Just when I think I've got XCP beat into submission, it sneaks up and
> whacks me again :).
> I rebooted a CentOS VM from it's command line and it failed to restart.
> A check of vm-list showed that the VM was showing halted on the pool
> master and the slaves, but trying to vm-start resulted in an error that
> the session reference was invalid.
> After a great deal of fooling with it, I managed to clear the problem
> by
> doing a vm-reset-powerstate, which I wouldn't have expected to make any
> difference, since the VM was already showing halted.
> I toss this out for informational purposes, in case someone else runs
> into this :).
> --
> Vern Burke
> SwiftWater Telecom
> http://www.swiftwatertel.com
> ISP/CLEC Engineering Services
> Data Center Services
> Remote Backup Services
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