Re: [Xen-users] Xen Cloud Platform disaster
So we are saying that at the moment, if there a power failure, or a reboot for whatever reasopn, we have to completly rebuild ??On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Stephen Spector <stephen.spector@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The licensing components from XCP should have been removed and
this not occur. I have added the xen-api list to this email so the developers
can be aware of the situation and offer their guidance. Thanks.
Stephen Spector
Well, I made the mistake of
shutting down my XCP cloud tonight not knowing that XCP licenses expire every
30 days and expired licenses prevent any VMs from being started (and not
having any procedure listed anywhere to get a new license). So I reinstall XCP
on one machine, get a new 30 day license generated, import the pool data base
so the VMs are back and discover it sets the damn license back to the expired
So now I'm down totally. I can't start anything, I can't restore anything, I
can't regenerate a new license for any of the machines without abandoning
everything. Is there ANY way to get a new license on these without starting
over from ground zero?
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