The last stable branch to include a PowerPC port was Xen 3.2, so you'd have
to go back that far.
-- Keir
On 16/12/2009 13:28, "Ahmad Hassan" <ahmad.hassan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Keir. I read on the XENPPC wiki that XEN previously supported IBM JS20
> power pc. Do you know whether we can still setup XEN on IBM JS20? The reason
> why am I asking this is that according to my understanding the XEN works on
> IBM JS20 with limited features mentioned on xenPPC wiki.
> If yes, then can we use the source of latest XEN 3.4.2?
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> There is no current Xen support for PowerPC.
>> -- Keir
>> On 16/12/2009 12:38, "Ahmad Hassan" <ahmad.hassan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are in the process of setting up XEN Testbed on IBM JS20 Blade servers. I
>>> read on XENPPC ( that XEN supports
>>> IBM JS20's. But that XENPPC wiki is dead since 2008. There is no further
>>> development on it.
>>> Can I please ask you the current status for XEN PowerPC support. We are
>>> interested in setting up XEN on IBM JS20 Specifically.
>>> If XEN supports IBM JS20, then is there someone who tried setting up XEN on
>>> these Powerpc's?
>>> I will appreciate if someone can guide me in setting up XEN on powerpc
>>> servers.
>>> Thanks.
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