[Xen-users] Need advice regarding distro - updated
After listening to the advice given I have spent the last week evaluating my
options. Each distro seems to have it's strengths and weaknesses.
Ubuntu is still my distro of choice though it's on obvious and easy to move to
Debian. One thing of note is that according to Ubuntu they have not abandoned
Xen for KVM. You can read more about it here:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen That said I was also able to upgrade
all my machines to Xen 3.3 through backports. While this platform is currently
lagging I'm hopeful that it will eventually catch up.
Beyond Ubuntu my preference is OpenSuSE, but with the issues I've had I'm going
to have to wait until some of these are resolved before considering moving. I
did get the IBM x3500 working satisfactory and have not had a lockup in a week.
I was really leaning towards moving to OpenSuSE but after three days of trying
to work out the network card issues I'm going to put it on hold until they get
some of the current bugs worked out.
I did try Centos 5.4 and it did seem to work well. I thought it would have
been one of the more up to date distros in regards to Xen but it has a pretty
old version of the hypervisor. There is probably an easy way to update this
but I didn't put a lot of effort into it.
So short term I'm going to stay with Ubuntu with plans to migrate to OpenSuSE
down the road unless Ubuntu puts forth some effort to update it's Xen
offerings. I think right now I'm going to spend some time with ConVirt 2 and
see if I can get it working with my existing or future environments.
Thanks to everyone for their input and for a great list.
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