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Re: [Xen-users] Xen Orchestra : web app for managing Xen with one or mor

To: Olivier LAMBERT <lambert.olivier@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Xen Orchestra : web app for managing Xen with one or more Dom0
From: Boris Quiroz <boris.quiroz@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 13:48:50 -0400
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Olivier LAMBERT wrote:
Mainly with Xen, questions are :
 “Where are my DomU’s at this time ? Are they running ?”.

That’s why I started this project : although my DomU’s are on
different Dom0, I want to see them all quickly, in one page.

And I would like to stop/pause/restart them in one click. Live
migration is really a great feature for Xen : so, it could be easily
accesible (two clicks ;) )

Furthermore, check informations about a DomU (like CPU parameters
etc.) is crucial. But this is not a final objective.

First, you can follow the main site of the project :

And report bug or features request on the forge (Git repo on Indefero forge) :

Future of Xen Orchestra, example of next features :

* allow set of all DomU parameters (CPU, RAM etc.). Set all this stuff in live ;
* restrict access with “DomU per users” : user “foobar” can access and
modifiy it’s own domU, or more. Can be really usefull in a classroom
for testing prupose, or for developer ;
* possibility of cloning domU and create them (with creating roles, a
kind of interface of xen-create-image).

Please be nice, this project is really really young, the code need to
be cleaned and reorganized. But it works, so if you want do some
tests, go !

Here is some screenshots of the first release :

Now, you have CPU counters, but I made screenshots later, you can see
them on the main blog/site.

And yes, it's open source ;) (maybe, in a near future, it will be
packaged and include in Debian)



Xen-users mailing list

I've an issue while trying to install Xen Orchestra. You can see the 
error message here: http://pastebin.com/m57f8745e
Any ideas??


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