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Re: [Xen-users] Xen and Enomaly


I'd like to check it out as well. I just did the sign up at the site given below.

Quoting Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro <thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx>:

 Screenshots I do not have... but you can make an account at my cloud to try
it! For free!    =)
 Make an account here:


 After I approve your account, login and get your credentials...

 Now go to https://dashboard.ylastic.com/esignup and signup into the Ylastic
EC2 Management Interface and:

 Go here: https://dashboard.ylastic.com to manage your virtual machines
(instances), firewall rules, images, groups, etc...

 I have small Eucalyptus installation just for tests...

 Also, you can use the ElasticFox to manage your account, but at this time,
it is not fully supported...


2009/9/11 Boris Quiroz <boris.quiroz@xxxxxxxxxx>

Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro wrote:

Believe me... the most cool open source "interface for Xen" is

2009/9/11 Olivier LAMBERT <lambert.olivier@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:

   First, thanks all of you for your encouragements.

   To Grant McWilliams :
   So far, I just use RPC to control Xen daemon : the API is well
   documented. See


   My soft can run on every machine with a web server + PHP5 and sqlite.
   Just need a connectivity with the Xen daemon. Yes, it can works
   accross Internet or every networks (but be sure to use encryption !)

   So, no root or other stuff like that. In my case, I choose to make
   things simple : just an htaccess (so far).

   With the API, you've got access to the entire Xen daemon, but I think
   it's not so hard to restrict an user to a VM (or more). It's "just" an
   added layer, can be interfaced with ldap, mysql or pgsql database,
   with adaquates informations on users.

   Just an example of Xen architecture + XenOrchestra :

   Dom01               Dom02           Dom03
   ___|_____________|____________|__________ (network)
               |                     |                     |
        Xen orchestra      client           other client

   As you can see, clients are contacting the Xen Orchstra web interface,
   and then, this one check Dom0's with Remote procedure call.

   With this, you can do everything you want. Just need to implement it !
   Limitations are the API, which suffer from certain shortcomings (like
   impossible to differenciate a migrated or an halted VM).

   For your "feature request", I think I'll do, but in a first time, my
   goal is to admin Xen easily. But ASAP, I'll try to respond to your
   And as it's a open source project, everyone can contribute, so.. more
   we are, more the project will be great :)



   P.S : sorry if there is misspelling in my text, I'm not perfect in
   English ;)

   On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Grant McWilliams
   <grantmasterflash@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:grantmasterflash@xxxxxxxxx>>
    > On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Olivier LAMBERT
   <lambert.olivier@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:lambert.olivier@xxxxxxxxx>>

    > wrote:
    >> As I can't put the code right now, I'll try to give you some
   details :
    >> Project Name : XenOrchestra
    >> Licence : GPL 3 ? (or 2 don't know the real differences)
    >> Small FAQ ;)
    >> -> What is the goal of Xen Orchestra ?
    >> Provide a simple and clear interface to Xen, across the Xen API
   with a
    >> **open source** app. Because I love open-source, I would like to
    >> in this philosophy ;)
    >> -> What can I do with the first release ?
    >> The first release will be an alpha, but you can know *where* are
    >> DomU and more :
    >> - start/stop/pause/remove a domU (as you can see in the first
    >> ;
    >> - make live migrations on other dom0 ;
    >> - have informations about a domU : cpu,ram,network etc.
    >> -> When it's released ?
    >> I'll try to give you the alpha version ASAP, so.. let's say next
    >> Sunday (sept. 13). I need to make an installer and "purge" the
   code to
    >> offer you a "clear" version.
    >> -> The future ?
    >> First, create xen-orchestra.com <http://xen-orchestra.com> with

   a FAQ (this one :D), what is the
    >> project, a forum and a git server in order to create a community. I
    >> start now !
    >> Then, make a Debian Package :D
    >> Next, I would like to implement "setters" (change cpu/ram/network
    >> conf) : not really hard. And finally, use this interface to create
    >> domU and templates...
    >> See you soon, hope my project can help people to stay with open
   source Xen
    >> :)
    > Don't forget to make the entire thing accessible to users (not
   just root)
    > with somewhat granular access control
    > otherwise you spent all this time to recreate the exact same
   thing that
    > everyone else has written.
    > When will we be able to look at your code? I use xen and VMs for
   my classes
    > and I start in a few weeks. Like everyone else that needs
    > non-root administration to domUs I'm writing my own interface. I
   need a user
    > named bob to have control over bob's vm and no other.
    > Grant McWilliams
    > Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
    > Windows."
    > Now they have two problems.

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Do you have some screen shots to show us how Eucalyptus works?


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