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Re: [Xen-users] Re: xen benchmark results on nehalem

It depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you want to support as many users as possible on a server then yes, ram is often the hotspot.
If, however, you have a slow application (which is sadly very common  
even today) and you want to optimize response time then straight line  
CPU power might be the variable you need to tweak. Many people don't   
realize that a 2GHz core two duo can be faster than a 3.8 GHz P4 or  
that one 2GHz core two duo can be 25% faster than a 2.33 GHz core two  
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 16, 2009, at 3:56 PM, Luke S Crawford <lsc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ozgur Akan <ozgurakan@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

Opteron vs Nehalem tests can be found here; http://wp.me/pBob2-3

I've found in most webapp workloads, the amount of ram matters more
than anything else; I mean, until you cache all your regularly accessed
data, and my experience has been that most people tend to overbuy CPU
and skimp on the ram.

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