Re: [Xen-users] Problems after xen kernel upgrade
Hi Paul,
Running Xen 3.2 on Ubuntu 8.04. There was a kernel upgrade recently
from 2.6.24-23-xen to 2.6.24-24-xen (provided by Ubuntu). Now when I
boot the guest, it has numerous errors like this:
ok, so your Dom0-Kernel is now 2.6.24-24 - right?
modprobe: FATAL: Could not load
/lib/modules/2.6.24-24-xen/modules.dep: No such file or directory
Viewing the /lib/modules dir, I see only 2.6.24-23-xen subdir, so it's
obvious why it can't files.
Another guest (CentOS 5.3 image from Stacklet.com) only has
/lib/modules/2.6.18-128.1.6.el5xen and is therefore also unable to
find the proper modules.
Both are able to boot, but networking doesn't work and probably other
things, as there are several of these failures.
The guest cfg files were changed to run the 2.6.24-24-xen kernel.
Why? You don't have to use the same kernel in Dom0 and DomU.
Question is, do I just rename the directories or do I have do download
new modules to work with this kernel?
Renaming the /lib/modules/X-dir would be like renaming your "Windows
98"-dir to get "Windows Vista" ;)
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