Re: [Xen-users] CentOS 5.3 bond0 and xen 3.3.0
Quoting Mike Brady <mike.brady@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Fri, 2009-05-29 at 12:09 -0800, jonr@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I now have one problem left. :)
I cannot ping from the dom0 and I am not sure where to look for any
I have configured my system as you have shown above, except I put in
my values.
I have dropped my firewall
turned off SELinux
Logs show nothing out of the ordinary and am seeing no errors in them,
at least none that I notice.
I tcpdump on the gateway and I see the arp (who has) coming in and an
arp reply coming back out but I only see "Destination Host Unreachable"
I have the two ports on the switch bonded as 802.3ad same as my ports
on the dom0.
Any more help is appreciated,
Maybe the bond isn't actually functioning? I had problems to begin with
figuring out what modes actually worked between Linux and my switch.
I suggest taking both the bridge and Xen out of the picture and making
sure that the bond is actually working with a normal kernel and no
bridge. That is what I did to sort mine out.
Hello Mike,
There is a problem when I bond my switch ports and bond my server
ports. I am leaning towards the problem being the modes between the
two. When I remove the bond on the switch it works when I put it back
in place it can't communicate any longer.
At this point I am sure I have everything right and am now dealing
with hardware rather than software issue.
Thank you for all of the help and for laying it out clearly in your
first email to me, that definitely cleared my confusion up. I think my
biggest problem came from the bond on the switch and the server. I had
built the bond on the server by hand multiple times but could never
ping out. So I was chasing the wrong rabbit down the wrong hole. :)
Thanks again,
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