Re: [Xen-users] Re: [Xen-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Xen 3.4.0 released!
It's easily forgotten since developers don't read the README. It's fixed in
the 3.4-testing repository now, which is the main place to grab 3.4 bits
-- Keir
On 18/05/2009 09:44, "Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro"
<thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry to ask but, why this kind of update doesn't be there before the major
> release to the public?
> It's ugly to see stuff like that, it seems an incomplete release, or hurriedly
> done, even if it wasn't.
> However, the Xen is amazing! Thanks for the software!
> -
> Thiago
> 2009/5/18 Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro writes ("Re: [Xen-users] Re: [Xen-devel]
>> [ANNOUNCE] Xen 3.4.0 released!"):
>>> I can see the Linux 2.6.18 within the xen-3.4 sources! :-P
>> Yes.
>>> But the README says it's Xen-3.3...
>> Which README ? Oh, xen-3.4.0/README. Ooops. That file is maintained
>> in xen-3.4-testing.hg and really ought to be updated there.
>> Ian.
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