Re: [Xen-users] Re: Getting one Dom U Guest to wait to startup until ano
I can think of an item: it's the same as if you have separate servers
with dependencies:
create another rc script that runs after the network startup. have it
use nmap, or something to ping the other system periodically and wait
until the correct service(s) are up. then exit.
Assuming you are running runlevel 3, create a link in /etc/rc3.d/
called S<xx>Wait that points to this script. change the <xx> part to
be certain it runs after the networking script, but before the next
On May 12, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Bob Linkonij wrote:
No one has any ideas on this? Is it impossible?
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Bob Linkonij <boblnknj0@xxxxxxxxx>
I figured out easy enough that I can set the order of Dom U's by
adding 001_,002_, etc to the Guest configuration names in the
This just seems to set the order they start up in.
How do you get one Guest to wait for another to be completely UP? So
if I have a File Server in Guest#1 and Guest#2 uses stuff on thte
Guest#1 server I need to get Guest#2 to wait until the Guest#1 is
completly running.
How do I do that?
Thanks a lot,
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