have been receiving quite a few e-mails regarding VT-d in particular since my posting.
I have not really played with much since accomplishing a proof-of-concept.
I am waiting for engineers at Intel, Citrix (Xen), etc. to get their sh!t together
before even thinking of documenting or putting into production. One of my
biggest problems was waiting for Intel to make appropriate changes to the BIOS
of the board I was working with. Anyone that has been working with VT-d
in particular can see that Intel is scared of the toothpaste they let out of
the tube because of lost revenue in VM’s (initially). Do you think
they want you running X number VM’s on just 1 product? Right.
Let them figure out a way to screw you on VT and charge per VM - then the
technology will (maybe) work like we want.
the die-hard nerds like myself dedicated to getting this to work, check your
BIOS version and the build of Xen (anything like 3.3.x, 3.4.x, etc. will
probably FAIL…use mecurial and get something new. Read.
Study. You will get there. The original post included my
parameters. If you have specifics, feel free to ask, but refrain from
statements such as “I bought a PC. Now what do I do?”.
answer is out there.

Peter J. van der Maas
Consultant, Business and Information Systems
+1 586 292 1055 direct
+1 866 747 7750 toll-free
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