RE: [Xen-users] Windows license on Xen 3.3
> Hi all, I would like to run 10 x Windows 2003 server(enterprise
> guests VM on top of my Xen3.3 box. Each guest vm need 5 terminal
> connections.
> I am not sure how to buy the guest license. I think 2 possible ways,
> anyone give some idea to me:
> 1. buy 10 x Enterprise edition license and buy 5 TS CAL to each
> window license
> 2. buy 1 x datacenter edition license and buy 50 TS CAL(shared by
> guests)
> Method 2 should be cheaper, so want to make sure it works or not.
If you are asking a technical question, then yes it should work just
fine, but you can certainly test first without acquiring licenses.
If you are asking a licensing question then you are probably asking in
the wrong place - ask a Microsoft licensing rep. When it comes to
selling you stuff they are more than happy to help :)
That said, last time I checked you could run 4 copies of 1 W2K3 EE
license on the one physical machine (eg they have a clause that allows
for virtualisation).
If you are providing this as a service to customers then you should also
investigate SPLA licensing, which has zero startup costs and you just
pay a monthly amount.
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