Re: [Xen-users] Differences when using Xen with Debian Lenny and other d
listener wrote:
> Now i have this configuration for my disks:
> disk = [ 'file:/domains/xp/xp.img,hda,w',
> 'phy:/dev/cdrom,hdc:cdrom,r', ]
> But it still does not work. Are there any tools for debugging? The
> logfiles don't help me much.
I thought this was important to be said in order to not loose time if
you are comming from another distro that Debian.
If you are using Lenny, then you should do:
cd /usr/lib
ln -s /etc/alternatives/xen-default xen
otherwise hvm VMs wont work. I have submit a bug report in the debian
BTS about it, it set to RC (release critical, just to make sure that
this is fixed for Lenny), but the maintainer said it was not so critical
and have set the bug as only "important"...
Some other same abnormalities in Debian: the python files in
/usr/lib/python/xen are NOT accessible in the python path unless you do:
cd /usr/lib/python-support
ln -s /usr/lib/xen/lib/python xen
otherwise, any import of the xen python lib will work in python. Now,
the maintainer replied to my bug report that I was being stupid to
consider importing anything, and the bug has been set to "wont fix"...
I will still try to build a patch for the debian packages and push for
their inclusion (as well as adding a /etc/xen/auto folder that is not
created by default in Debian).
Another particularity: the xen bridge used is named eth0. I don't
understand this choice as using a xenbrX seems to be quite a reasonable
"standard" in Xen. Making it with a different name means that any
userland script for the general audience of Xen users concerning the Xen
bridge will need adaptation...
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