Re: [Xen-devel] GPLPV 0.9.12-pre4 uploaded
Hi James,
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 7:27 AM, James Harper
<james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've just uploaded 0.9.12-pre4 to http://www.meadowcourt.org/downloads
> Fixes/updates since 0.9.12-pre3:
> . rolled back IRQ restriction which would prevent the drivers from
> starting if the pci device wanted to use an IRQ < 16
Yup, this fixed my issue. Things are looking good now. This is just
my virtual XP workstation for Outlook and a couple of other programs,
but so far I'd say it 'feels' better. It's obvious the network driver
is configured, as it's all that shows up in the network applet now. I
see the Xen Block Device Driver in the scsi section of the device
manager, but is there any clear way to verify the PV block device is
active? Powershell certainly seemed to load 4-6 seconds faster.
In the future, would I just install new versions over the top of the
current version?
In any event, thanks a ton for all your help getting this up and
going. Hopefully my XP vm won't be as painfully sluggish any more;
the underlying machine is certainly fast enough.
David L. Parsley
Manager of Network Services, Bridgewater College
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on ye shoulders of giants"
- Isaac Newton
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