Re: [Xen-users] Tutorial for Windows guest on Xen
On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:18 AM, Peter Privat <peter.privat@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm looking for someone that can assist me on how to create and run a
Windows guest on Xen. I'm about to make a Wiki with easy tutorials on
how use the Xen. Plain and easy text that everyone should be able to
follow and succeed with.
I've already finished a working tutorial on how to setup a working Linux
guest, which I plan to publish at the same time as the Windows guest
tutorial. I've searched the internet, trying to find existing tutorials
regarding Windows guests on Xen. So far, only outdated ones have turned
up. Even my own attempts trying to modify those old tutorials, in order
to fit the more resent versions of Linux and Xen, resulted in failure.
So, I would like to get some help, guidance or even get in touch with
someone that actually managed to install and run Windows as a guest, on
a recent version of a Linux host.
The software I intend to use in my Wiki tutorial, is:
Host: Linux Ubuntu Hardy (8.04 LTS) 64 bit.
Guest: Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
Best regards,
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