Re: [Xen-users] How to transfer files from DOM 0 to DOM U
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Tommy Huang <tommy24@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the answer. I will test it later.
> By the way, do you know any website that talks about how the answer that you
> mentioned below?
I don't have anything specific that comes to mind, but there should be a lot of
tutorials on the topic. If you run into problems post here. If you want a good
general reference check out the xen book that I am a co-author on.
Xen is quite commonly used now, so finding the information online shouldn't
be too bad, but digging through it takes time. Even on this list, by searching
xen.markmail.org you could find what you are looking for, but knowing what
to look for is the art.
It is difficult and time consuming to provide "copy-paste" HOWTOs, but there
are some good references out there online and in our book/website.
Also, when asking a general question on "how do I do X" or "do you have a
reference on X", try to offer what type of knowledge you have and what specific
topic or topics that you think you might actually need a reference on.
Everybody comes with different backgrounds, so giving a clear a picture of
what you know and what you need really helps.
Todd Deshane
check out our book: http://runningxen.com
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