RE: [Xen-users] GPLPV Driver and SMP
> Hello,
> I try the 0.9.11-pre12 version of the gplpv drivers. They seem to work
> nicely, but annoyingly slow on a SMP Windows 2003 virtual machine:
> [root@xen02 ~]# ttcp -t -s tsm-neu.bl-group.physik.uni-muenchen.de
> ttcp-t: buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=5001
> ttcp-t: sockbufsize=1048576, # tcp ->
> tsm-neu.bl-group.physik.uni-muenchen.de #
> ttcp-t: connect
> ttcp-t: 16777216 bytes in 0.368 real seconds = 44494.293 KB/sec +++
> ttcp-t: 2048 I/O calls, msec/call = 0.184, calls/sec = 5561.787
> ttcp-t: 0.000user 0.120sys 0:00real 33% 0i+0d 0maxrss 0+3pf 25+25csw
> [root@xen02 ~]# ttcp -r -s
> ttcp-r: buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=5001
> ttcp-r: sockbufsize=1048576, # tcp #
> ttcp-r: accept from
> ttcp-r: 819200 bytes in 15.175 real seconds = 52.719 KB/sec +++
> ttcp-r: 240 I/O calls, msec/call = 64.745, calls/sec = 15.816
> ttcp-r: 0.000user 0.004sys 0:15real 0% 0i+0d 0maxrss 0+2pf 296+0csw
> [root@xen02 ~]#
> It looks like it waits too long for packets to be sent.
In testing from Dom0 to DomU with vcpus=4 I get marginally worse
performance than with vcpus=1. Can you tell me as much as you can about
the above setup so I can attempt to reproduce it?
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