RE: [Xen-users] hvm linux and vt-d problems
>I tried to enable pci-passthrough (NIC) to hvm guest, but the guest system
>does not see any pci devices.
>My installation was made on debian with backport ( xen 3.2.0-3~bpo4+2 ). On
>my pc ( hp dc7800 E6750) I enabled vt-d. Windows/ Linux guests in hvm-mode
>works fine, but no pci-passthrough.
>I there something wrong ?
I don't know *anything* about debian, but check to see if the way you are
hiding the
device is right, rhel doesn't use the grub method anymore, but a loadable
You need the correct lines in rhels modprobe.conf, then you make a new initrd.
Does 3.2.0 have support for pass through to an hvm? I thought that was new to
What's your hvm conf look like?
Your xen logs have anything to say about the entry in the conf it see's while
starting the domain?
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