Re: [Xen-users] Windows GPL PV Drivers 0.9.9-pre2
On Friday June 13 2008 10:28:45 am Ross S. W. Walker wrote:
> James Harper wrote:
> > The thing that's bugging me at the moment is how to make upgrades from
> > previous versions work nicely. Part of the problem is that some of the
> > drivers BSOD on close sometimes, which I should be able to fix if I can
> > catch it happening, but the main problem is that xenpci 0.9.8 (probably)
> > isn't going to work with xennet 0.9.9, and when windows upgrades the
> > drivers it will know that it has to upgrade xenpci next boot so it
> > defers it (because xenvbd is using it to manage the system drive), but
> > knows that it can upgrade xennet now, which introduces the version
> > mismatches.
It's definitely preferable to defer ALL upgrades till the next reboot. This
sounds like what you did for 0.9.9 final.
> James,
> I would make it a requirement of installation for 0.9.9 and greater
> that all previous versions be uninstalled prior to installation and
> not even try to do it as part of the install. Have the install test
> the presence of prior drivers and have it abort it install with a
> please uninstall first message.
> Then all you need to to write-up a manual uninstall procedure for the
> differing versions and include it as a README to the download.
> It's both the easiest and safest approach.
Maybe a middle approach? For drastic architecture changes like Wdf -> Wdm, or
0.8.x -> 0.9.x, require an uninstall with the script that came with the old
version. Maybe you could even pop up a box asking where your old install
directory is, tho' that should be in the registry. If the registry path is
not found or invalid (or you removed it), you can ask. For minor changes
(meaning you have to look up the current version), you probably know enough
to do the uninstall yourself. This is assuming the 'defer upgrades till the
next reboot' path proves problematic.
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