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Re: [Xen-users] Rebooting Windows guests when running xm reboot

To: Florian Manschwetus <florianmanschwetus@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Rebooting Windows guests when running xm reboot
From: Ruslan Sivak <russ@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 17:46:26 -0400
Cc: xen-users <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Florian Manschwetus wrote:
Ruslan Sivak schrieb:
Florian Manschwetus wrote:
Ruslan Sivak schrieb:
I just installed Windows 2008 x86_64 on Xen 3.2 that I compiled from source on CentOS 5.1. Are there any windows guest tools available that run shutdown when I issue xm reboot in dom0?

Xen-users mailing list

when you set your win into testsign mode you could sign james work easiely and use it works really fine here.
I'm not sure what you mean by testsign mode.
I just installed it and after disabling signature enforcement, it loaded the drivers, but did the same thing that happens to other people, it detected the drives twice, once as QEMU and once as XEN PV.
This hosed one of my systems, but the other one seemed to work after 
a reboot.  The second drives were disabled, but the shutdown monitor 
was still not installed? Russ
you have to enable the service under services.

I didn't see it under services. I just reinstalled and hosted my 32 bit windows again. When I first install it, I get a bunch of warning about driver signing, and I say to install anyway. Then I reboot, and the PCI device is shown as not installed properly. I update the drivers at which point I see two of everything. I think reboot and windows is hosed.
Is there a proper way to install these drivers?


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