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Re: [Xen-users] Routing problem in bridged setup

To: deshantm@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Routing problem in bridged setup
From: Pepe Barbe <elventear@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 13:50:34 -0500
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On May 9, 2008, at 12:45 PM, Todd Deshane wrote:

I just wanted to make sure that you are aware of the Ubuntu bugs:
Yeah, I as aware of those problems and I have used the suggested  
solutions (Hirano's Kernel) with success. After that everything I  
wanted to do has been working with Xen, until now.
There are a number of troubleshooting techniques discuss in those bugs

*using ethtool commands
*looking at the bridges in more detail with brctl commands etc.
*manually tracing the traffic with tools like wireshark and tcpdump
*any of general networking debugging that you can think of
I've used tcpdump to trace the traffic. What I have seen is the  
Traffic outgoing from from domU-dmz traverses successfully to the  
brdmz bridge in domU-firewall and from there it goes to the eth0  
interface that is part of the eth0 bridge in dom0. But no traffic  
shows in the eth0 bridge in dom0 or through vif1.0.
Traffic going from dom0 to domU-dmz reaches successfully but again any  
replies or acks don't come back. Thus I am not able to connect  
I've flushed the iptables in dom0 to make sure nothing could be  
affecting it, but it help anything. dom0 etho or vif1.0 do work, at  
least partially, as I am using those interfaces for LAN forwarding to  
do NAT in domU-firewall. There is no problem with that.
Any ideas of what other step or where in the Linux system I could to  
see what is going on with the eth0 bridge or vif1.0 interface in dom0?

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