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[Xen-users] Does anyone have a working Xen to try an SCO OpenServer5.0.6

To: "xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-users] Does anyone have a working Xen to try an SCO OpenServer5.0.6 installation on?
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 08:34:15 +0100
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I've been dealing with SCO OpenServer 5.0.6 lately, and was forced to use VMware Workstation when I couldn't get it working on Xen. That let me use it with IDE emulated drives, that avoided the whole intricate fun and games of installing compatible SCSI drivers.
But VMWare ESX, which was not what I'd wanted to deal with, got selected 
for use, and since it doesn't support IDE drive emulation, I was forced 
to go through the labor of installing SCSI drivers in the boot process. 
There are documents on how to do this at 
But my only HVM capable box is being used for other purposes right now, 
and I can't spend the time with it down to test these installation 
procedures with a clean Xen Dom0 installation. Is anyone out there 
interested in testing this for me? It does take a license to install 
OpenServer, and they're not cheap. But even the bare bones of the 
installation, simply being able to read the necessary boot floppy image 
from OpenServer 5.0.7 and the installation CD from 5.0.6, would answer 
my questions. And that doesn't take a license.
I think it would be *great* to have Xen able to handle these OpenServer 
setups, to provide a safe multi-virtualization environment built right 
into RHEL, SuSE, and Fedora operating systems, rather than dealing with 
the rather odd and Windows-centric management tools of VMware. And that 
RHEL 3 based operating system of VMware ESX: it's so old that it 
actively interferes with development for Dom0 utilities, such as backup 
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  • [Xen-users] Does anyone have a working Xen to try an SCO OpenServer5.0.6 installation on?, Nico Kadel-Garcia <=