Re: [Xen-users] vncdisplay #
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:43 PM, jim burns <jim_burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thursday April 10 2008 09:16:07 pm Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> > How does this setting work? I was hoping to use it to make connections
> > predictable. I have vncunused = 1 as well, but xen never starts the server
> > on the expected port (dom-u id).
> With vncunused=1, you get the first unused vnc port #. With:
> vncunused=0
> vncdisplay=1
> you get the domid # (+ 5900)
You actually get vncdisplay+5900 on Xen 3.2. All the docs mention you
are supposed to get the domID as the VNC display number, but it
doesn't actually work that way. At least not on Debian or Ubuntu.
Freddie Cash
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