Re: [Xen-users] xen new throws python error
Daniel Kao wrote on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 18:15:13 -0700:
> I believe the package is called "PyXML" from the CentOS repositories
> which contains xmlproc.
Many thanks. I had grepped for "xml" in the yum output, but not for "XML".
There's obviously a dependency missing in the rpms.
After installing PyXML I can now use xen new, but I see it doesn't work
like I hoped it would work. It can't read the plain text config files that
were created by virt-manager. There is an option -F for using "sxp" config
files and I was assuming that might be the correct one, but it's not
working either (it always says the file is not there, although it is).
Is there a conversion tool or are we supposed to convert manually?
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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