Re: [Xen-users] Can someone please build a Xen 3.2 rpm for CentOS 5.1x64
Thanx Tom, I read through that thread, but saw that it was talking
about ia64, and AFAIK, Itanim 64 isn't the same as amd64 / x86_64 so I
ddint' think it would work on my machine.
see below copied from that link for the solution - this is not for
itanium, not sure where you got that idea from
I was looking for *xen* *3*.*2* 64bit for the similar reason (*32* bit
crashes on 64bit dom0).I tried to build the source *rpm* of *xen* *3*.*2*
(downloaded from
*rpmbuild* on a *CentOS* 5.1(x86_64), and I got the below error:
*RPM* build errors:
Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:
Please let me know the changes required for building the src.*rpm* on 64
bit system?
I was curious to know about the existing installation and I found that
the package *xen*-*3*.0.*3*-41.el5-x86_64, installs all the binaries and
libs in /usr/lib64/*xen*, but puts the hvmloader in /usr/lib/*xen*!
Huh. Interesting. RedHat's SRPM's are a bit more sophisticated than
those for *Xensource*, traditionally, so I'm not shocked you found a
discrepancy building it for x86_64. Perhaps you can review the
differences in the .spec files and see how RedHat did it?
Solved, the problem was the /usr/lib/*xen*/hvmloader line was commented
in *xen*.spec file. Now I have the *xen*-*3*.*2*.0-0xs *rpms*. Now I
have a silly question Should I rebuild the Linux kernel available @
*xen*.org <http://xen.org> to get *xen* *3*.*2* up or will it work with
*CentOS* kernel?
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