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Re: [Xen-users] domU dependency-aware xendomains init script?

To: John Morris <jman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] domU dependency-aware xendomains init script?
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 23:16:07 +0000
Cc: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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John Morris wrote:
Is there a smarter xendomains script out there that deals with domU dependencies better than the one in the RPMs (CentOS)? For example, directory services (eg. LDAP, DNS) are on one domU, and other domUs depend on those services to boot correctly. (Best to solve this with redundant services, yes, but let's say this is a test network.) An even stranger example is a domU whose root boots from an NFS, iSCSI or AoE filesystem on another domU.
That's not a Xen issue: that's an OS issue. As such, the init scripts of the other DomU's could perform a number of checks to see if the services are enabled yet, in theory, but I'd suggest instead a monitoring system such as Nagios that reports the confused state of the systems and reports *that*.
It would also be nice, for example, to have per-domU settings for shutdown (hibernate or init 0?).
This idea is still in a seed stage, so I'm not expressing it very 
clearly.  Any pointers to similar-sounding information, though, are 
well appreciated.  Thanks-
Well, there you'd have to get into the "xendomain" init script that RedHat uses. It's an interesting idea: the information could theoretically be contained in a standard Xen init script, and even reported to the Xen configurations for migration. But in the short term, a sinple text-file with domain names and shutdown states could be stuffed in /etc/sysconfig/ or /etx/xen/ for exactly this sort of use.
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